Ms Feel Good

Massage Therapy

Roxane Buranen

I am Roxane Buranen, an experienced and trained Massage Therapist located in the West St. Paul, MN area since 2003. I received my training at Minnesota school of Health Science, Globe Collage in 2003. I became nationally certified in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork in 2004. I became a member Of the American Massage Therapy Association in 2003. I have received many certifications for various massage methods. However, continued education is extremely important to me in order to provide the highest level of service to each client.

I have done advanced training in Deep Tissue Massage with instructor Robert B. Hasse. I have studied Advanced Myoskeletal techniques with instructor Erik Dalton. I have enjoyed the study of Essential Oils and Raindrop techniques with Young Living Essential Oils. Most recently I have had the pleasure of exploring and learning 

Integrated Manual Therapy and Orthopedic Massage

with James Waslaski. Very popular massage

types I have trained with are Hot Stone Massage and

Warm Bamboo Massage.

I continue to research new modes of therapy and

find the leaders in instruction to study with for the

best possible techniques and service.